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Psychometric Assessments

What are Psychometric Assessments?

The British Psychological Society define a psychometric test as:

'An assessment procedure designed to provide objective measures of one or more psychological characteristics.'

SO...Why might you or your child need an assessment?

If your child is at a mainstream school and is in the process of applying for an EHCP, which will enable them to gain extra support in their current school and/or help them transition to a more specialist setting, then you may require more evidence to demonstrate the learning difficulties that you child has.

This could take the form of a Psychometric Assessment that analyses your child's ability or attainment in a variety of areas.

Some of the tests available are...

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Wide Range Intelligence Test

The WRIT Assessment provides a general measure of intelligence with user-friendly materials. It offers a reliable assessment of cognitive abilities that can be used with individuals ages 4 to 85 years. Taking less than 30 minutes to administer, the WRIT assesses both verbal and nonverbal abilities, yielding a Verbal IQ and a Visual IQ, which generate a combined General IQ.


  • Provides an estimate of cognitive ability for educational, psychological or vocational rehabilitation evaluations.

  • The WRIT Assessment can help identify learning disabilities, giftedness, and neuropsychological impairments.

Four subtests address specific abilities:

  • Verbal scale (crystallised):  Vocabulary and Verbal Analogies subtests

  • Visual scale (fluid):  Matrices and Diamonds subtests


Author: Joseph Glutting, Wayne Adams and David Sheslow

Age range: 5 years to 85 years

Administration: Individual 

Testing Time: 20 to 30 minutes

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